The Trilogy

I tend to start things, then leave them for a bit, then forget completely. Then remember, pick it up again and finish relatively quickly and wonder, why didn’t i do it sooner…

This year is not one for travelling, luckily i had loads of footage from last year and time to play around with it instead.

It was a three day trip around Norfolk, Suffolk & Cambridgeshire. I filmed a hell of a lot, although by day three i was already slacking… i didn’t charge my cameras enough, nor i had the drive to record stuff any more. Not sure why, maybe because i wasn’t sure if it was all worth it.

Day one – i really tried. I was envisaging the final outcome – the video, was thinking about the footage, better angles and whatnot. Although even by the end of the day one i already kinda gave up, there wasn’t much ending footage to play around. Then again, in my head at the time, it was all one video, not split into days.

Day two was still good, was going strong as they say. But, by the end of the day – flop – no ending again. In my defence, we had a punctured tire, we where in the middle of nowhere looking for mechanics – it was hectic.

Day three is the worst in terms of footage as the third video is basically just a punting tour video. Nice views and everything, but as soon as my camera died, my passion for filming went with it. I guess it’s hard to continue if i don’t see any results…

I started thinking i’m just wasting my time with this, could be just enjoying the trip, no decent video will come of this anyway… And so it sort of happened – the footage was there on my computer for over a year. I had attempted the montage a few times. First on Premier Pro, then Blender, then Movie Maker, but it just wasn’t happening for me.

The global pandemic definitely gave me an opportunity to finally do something. I went back to Premier Pro. Spent a whole day watching tutorials and cracked out my first video – Piggy in the making. Then, a month later, the second video came out. Meanwhile i already was working on my first travel vlog.

Because i had already tried to make the video before, i was rather tired seeing the footage of the first day. It was so refreshing then to work on days two and three as that was long forgotten footage. I kept having – Oh yeah, we saw that – moments which was really cool.

Overall, filming one year and doing the montage the following year is hard. It’s a challenge. I have the footage and that is that, i can’t quickly go back and re-film if i’m not happy with something. I have the footage and i have to put it together to my best ability and tell a story.

I definitely learnt a lot and no doubt i want to continue to record my travels and make videos like these and, hopefully, get a little better with each one. Learning about anti-shake function on my camera since that trip already has been life changing 😀


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